Caruso’s Legacy Robusto Root Beer
I absolutely love the label on Caruso’s Legacy Robusto Root Beer. It screams legacy, tradition, patriotism . . . root beer that has been passed down generation from generation. And I think that this whole tradition thing is one of the best things going for Root Beer . . . it’s certainly not that fact that root beer and drugs seem to be an easy pair.
I also love to see a root beer that has a comparitevly low level of sugar. Most root beers I’ve seen have around 40 grams of sugar per 12 oz. of tasty brews. Caruso’s only has 30 grams of sugar for 12 oz.! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty remarkable. If anything, Caruso’s tastes pretty sweet and yet they were able to accomplish this by using only 30 grams of sugar. If I could I would probably keep Caruso’s stocked in my fridge because of this fact alone.
Sadly there is really not much else going for this brew. Granted, it’s a creamy brew with nice hints of vanilla, but that’s about it. It’s really pretty standard overall – simply put it’s another run of the mill root beer. My co-professor also noted that there is a slightly bad after-taste that has started to appear after a few sips.
This brew started off with so much promise . . . awesome label and a low sugar content . . . but the taste falls a little flat.
The Professor’s Grade: B –
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