Lost Trail Diet Root Beer
When does the head on a root beer last too long? How about when after 5 minutes there is still 6 inches of foam that hasn’t dissappated at all! It may sound like a good thing, but it sort of impairs the whole process of actually getting to the root beer itself. Back in 2009 I reviewed the non-diet version of Lost Trail and I noted that there was virtually no head at all, so to have this sort of head in the diet version is quite peculiar. I wonder if it’s something chemical . . . being diet and all.
The guy at my local soda store recommended this root beer as one of the best diet brews available. He’s right in the sense that there is really no nasty diet aftertaste that has virtually been present in every other diet root beer. The problem is there is virtually no taste at all. It’s an extremely mild brew with nothing offensive at all and almost nothing to comment on. Creamy yes, nasty diet aftertaste no, and anything distinctive whatsoever no.
Not a bad choice for a diet brew though, in fact it’s probably the best diet root beer I’ve reviewed thus far.
The Professor’s Grade: C +
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