Cicero Beverage Company Salted Caramel Root Beer

Salted Caramel Root BeerWait a minute . . . I am back in Maine at the ocean?  It’s that ocean, saltwater smell . . . ahhh it’s good to be back.  Nevermind, it’s just that salty root beer smell from the Cicero Beverage Co. called Salted Caramel Root Beer.  Hopefully it’s not as salty as a bouillon cube – the label says 130 mg or 5.5% of your recommended daily intake –  not too bad really.

The dominant flavor in this brew is not the salt (although that adds a nice compliment), but it’s the caramel.  It’s not so strong that it makes it unpleasant however.  Caramel is probably not my favorite root beer flavor, but this drink uses the caramel in a way that’s not all bad. I would have no problem offering this to someone, or if someone offered it to me I would drink it with no qualms.

Using a sweetener or flavoring like maple syrup, honey, molasses or caramel for a root beer is certainly a little risky, but Cicero does a nice job combining the caramel with the salt to make a different and half-decent root beer.

The only complaint that I have is that I bought this off of a humble grocery store shelf and upon further examination Anthony received his brew in a special sack, with paper shavings all within a pirate-esque wooden box.


The Professor’s Grade:  B

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